Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pochinko's Philosophy Page Got Me's my bigger sharing moment of the process. I considered not sharing it but then I read the philosophy page on the Pochinko page Wyck sent and I got all misty.

I don't know why but the deeper I dig into this clown stuff I am coming up with tears. Trying to figure out why this is coming and knowing that I couldn't be working on anything better than this at this time in my life.

So I don't have answers and maybe never will but the passages that struck me on the page are below. Wyck, is this something that is a universal "definiton of the clown" meaning close to something you have heard/read before? It's new to me - but then, I am learning a lot of things as I explore.

In any case this is what stood out, to me, at this moment:

"We look at the clown and see ourselves - our hopes, dreams, fears, and virtues, our flaws and our process."

"Clowning isn't something we need to learn so much as something we become aware of in ourselves. Any time that we are curious, playful, or creative, we are in clown mode. When we are in a state of wonder or awe, surprise or amazement, we are in clown. Whenever we have hunches, act on impulse, or digress - we are in clown. Whenever we have strong emotions, we are in clown. The clown lives in the place of laughing and crying at the same time."

"the innocent who sees things as they really are and not as convention decrees"

"willing and able to save the world if necessary"

"Clowning is about the freedom that comes from a state of total, unconditional acceptance of our most authentic selves, warts and all. It offers us respite from our self doubts and fears, and opens the door to joy."

Okay...I could have just copied the whole thing.

I wonder if we might include this "definiton" somewhere for the audience? Or parts of it? I think there is something in it or something like about reminding us of play and questioning and allowing ourselves to be who we are. Maybe parts of it are our graffiti? Or a poster of a new band that's pasted up?

Funny, what I am thinking of now is that when I went to the circus or when I am around a "fool" and I am given the freedom to join them in play, to be a kid...I have felt that release of societal standards and obligations. I would love to of course make the entire show a release but if we can create just one moment then I think we've done our job.

Maybe they can add to my garden? :)

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